About Boston Workhorse Relief


The plans for Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. started to evolve in the summer of 2017.  I had just graduated Law School and found a new appreciation for the U. S. Constitution and any astute defense Attorney out there.   I continued to work in the animal field and the same two issues stood out repeatedly; animal cruelty cases were damaged by the lack of knowledge of animal law and; often, good animal owner’s rights were violated during basic animal investigations.

After working over eighteen years in the animal husbandry field, it was notable that there was a substantial need for more animal cruelty investigators, more animal law education and more state wide trainings on animal law. 

In trying to determine a name for the company, I read about the original Boston Work Horse Relief Association that was started in 1902.  I was amazed with what one young girl with a passion accomplished through the years of dedication and perseverance of saving work horses.   As impressed as I was, I decided the new Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. would continue to save all kinds of animals, including work horse, with the same passion and dedication.  Accordingly, the name of the company was determined to be Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc.

By October 2017, Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. was approved by the State of Massachusetts as a Non- Profit 501c3 Public Charity.  In December 2017, the Colonel of the Massachusetts State Police appointed the first Special State Police Officer to Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc.  In February of 2018, Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. started their first training season and scheduled trainings throughout the State for all Law Enforcement personnel, Command Officers, and Animal Control Officers.

The objectives of Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. are copious; To offer education on animal law and animal cruelty investigations.  Through this education, more animals can be saved and more prosecution can be brought against the people who cause their suffering and pain.  To teach people that have a desire to help animals, how to work in the animal field and how to become excellent animal cruelty investigators.  To protect the Fourth Amendment rights of good animal owners, especially the elderly.  To provide a safe haven for all animals in need.

Boston Work Horse Relief Association Inc. will empower the vulnerable to have a voice against animal cruelty and abuse.

Officer Darleen F. Wood
Animal Cruelty Investigator
Massachusetts Special State Police Officer

17 Silver Street, Auburn, MA 01501

Phone: 508-864-1091



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